Matthew Murphy Net30 Hosting Founder

Matthew Murphy

Founder Of Net30 Hosting

As a kindergarten student, Matthew had told his teacher that he wanted to be her boss when he grew up. The guy who signs her paycheck. That was the year she retired. “In all my years of teaching, I have never had a student ever say that. It’s time for me to retire,” she told his parents at the teacher-parent conference. 

Matthew grew up in a family who ran a restaurant, a construction company, a trucking company, legal copy service and learned a lot of these skills at an early age of 6 when his grandfather started teaching him how to wire a 3-way switch. How to install circuit breakers and attach the wires.

By the time he was 13, he was telling his dad’s employees how to do the job by reading the blueprints he often helped design. He didn’t have it always easy. He also had learning disabilities combined with ADHD.  Was in resource classes and was one of the first resource students to ever be in Student Leadership where he learned pretty much how the corporate world worked… President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure, and Sargent at Arms, etc all being a part of the ASGA. (American Student Government Association) He was in charge of the student store and helped head moving the entire student store and making it have seating for meals sold in the store. (Never seen it completed but he laid out all the groundwork and following students a few years later got to benefit from his vision)

In High school, he was put in all mainstream classes and got Honors roll. The school was finally moving awesome for him and then his best friend attempted suicide this is when he turned to computers… Learned to write HTML, CSS, XML and even wrote a book on it, and became friends with an ISP owner in Northern Canada that gave him his web hosting abilities. 

Dropped out of Student Leadership after being in it for 4 years in high school he attended Thomason Edison High School until lunch then transferred to Woodruff Regional Occupational School (WROC) where he studied Graphic design, typesetting, darkroom work, making paper plates, and running printing press like the A.B. Dick 360 with chain delivery and powder coating for that raised ink look. 

He was one of the students almost every business owner that found about turn around time came to him to print. He would usually have a design approved within 1-2 days and printed the next day. He was also able to do their website updates and host their websites… One-stop solution. 

At 17 he made a local information website for his city with a friend of his Jarrod Crain in Geelong Australia. This gave local band information and movie times along with many other local events. Not every 60 days old he sold the site to another company for $30K

At 19 he got into doing photography too. He got called into one of the biggest photography companies in town because the equipment wasn’t working and every IT company in town came in to attempt to fix and nobody could fix it… The issue was none of them was experienced with the software they used… He was… less than an hour later he had the million-dollar machine working and that made pretty big news around the IT community in town. 

By the time he was 27, he had been a Comcast contractor (mainly to learn skills) Ironwood communications contractor (Dish Network, Echo Star, DirecTV, and Hugh Network). One day he was heading to help a co-worker on trouble install and he had someone T-Bone his truck totaling it and it was a hit and run, He was told he needed to get his own truck if he wanted to work still, He got a brand new 2005 Chevy Colorado, went to work and they had no run for him… this went on for a good week then he goes home and finds a “final paycheck” in the mail, This is when he decided to never rely on a single source income… To get back into websites and keep installing and doing hosting, doing printing work…

He started installed WiFi Networks on Hotels all over California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada and had hotel owners flying him all over and giving him hotel rooms for free. This is where he meets Andy Miller a Mitel phone engineer and this is when he learned about IP-PBX. 

He was also running an eBay warehouse where pretty much everything in the warehouse he had gotten for free, selling on average $30K a month but having an issue with truck drivers showing up to move trailers at the time specified sometimes several hours late… he decided to get his own CDL and buy his own truck… 

After his free supply dried up and about to become a father he decided maybe it would be best to get an actual stable job so money was always.

Then it happened, another very close friend of his went missing nationwide missing man hitting all the news stations… Not only was he a friend but he was the guy who did all the website work that Matthew had been selling for the past few years. Turns out he took his own life. Christmas Eve flying home from the funeral in San Diego, he decided to quit his job driving a truck because life was too short to do something you hated…

Andy was very old school and wanted to install Copper lines for IP-PBX servers and he could tell they were a computer, he could see they had a network port… that they had to be accessible via the internet a web browser and not a dial-up connection… This just drove him nuts. “I knew there was a better way to do it, but Andy was very SET in his ways and had no interest in trying something he didn’t know and wouldn’t even let me play for a few minutes and undo whatever I did… So I bought my own Mitel system for $15,000 just to play with it myself… I then learned a much cheaper system would do the same shit and in some cases, even more… Mitel was selling you a license when you have FreeSWITCH and Asterisk both open source systems. I wished I knew this before I dropped that $15K but I’ve always believed in investing in myself” 

He got the largest used car dealership to let him install a phone system cutting their cost back more than 10 times and giving their customers a much better phone experience. This also got his foot in the door with business cards and other printed material. 

Then he meets Rick his former business partner for web hosting, worked with Rick for years doing printing, websites, web hosting… Running a credit repair company too, He then decided after years of making cartoons for comments on Facebook and hearing “Dude you should put that on a hoodie, I’d buy it!” to look into buying a DTG Printer (Direct to Garment Printer) This is when he started learning about business credit he went to his business partner Rick to tell him about his idea and Ricks response was “Fuck Credit, I have never seen my credit report ever. Pay me cash or check or leave me alone”.  So after several months of depression, he decided “fuck it, I’m doing it on my own.”

3 years later Net30 Hosting is official, Rick is now a customer and here you are today. 

“You know what’s really funny, 18 months ago I predicted so many things that we are seeing 3 months into our first day 01/02/2020 when we officially became a Limited Liability Company my staff started pointing our that things I said are actually true. We have customers who have been a customer for 3 months now, perfect payment history (now at the time of writing this 6 months) that don’t even use us for some reason… They pay just to build their business credit, I said this was going to happen in 2018 and again in 2019!”



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